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International Certification Service Pvt, Ltd, Mumbai India
Croatian register of shipping (hereinafter abbreviated as CRS) is a heritor of ship classification activities at the eastern Adriatic coast.
The Austrian verities was founded in this area, already in 1858, as the third classification society in the world.
In 1918 the Austrian verities changed its name into the Adriatic verities and was acting till year 1921.
CRS, acting till 1992 as JR (Yugoslav register of shipping), was founded in 1949.
CRS was associated member of international association of classification societies (IACS) from 1973 till 2005, when IACS generally discontinued associated status.
In the second half of 2009, IACS decided to open up its membership, and in April 2010 CRS gained the status of an applicant for IACS membership.
From may 2011 CRS gained the status of IACS member.
The present status is defined by the law on Croatian register of shipping (OFFICIAL GAZETTE, No. 81/96) and charter of CRS.
CRS is an independent, not for profit but common welfare oriented, public foundation performing:
- statutory certification of ships on behalf of the national maritime administrations,
- statutory certification of marine equipment,
- statutory certification of recreational crafts,
- Certification of quality management systems.
In addition to basic activities CRS is also:
- performing certification services in other industry sectors,
- providing technical assistance to shipping and shipbuilding industry.
CRS is sited in Marasoviceva 67, split, Croatian,
CRS mission in the field of classification and statutory certification is to promote the highest internationally adopted standards in the safety of life and property at sea and inland waterways, as well as in the protection of the sea and inland waterways environment.
Please contact us: Ph: +91 22 26507777/78
E-mail: crs.india@icsasian.com
Website: www.icspl.org, www.icsasian.com
Office Address: 22/23, Goodwill Premises, 1st floor, Swastik Estate,
178 CST Road, Kalina, Santa Cruz (E),
Mumbai-400 098,
Maharashtra, India
Ph: 91-22-26507000-1
Website:www.icspl.org, www.icsasian.com
Head Office : 21000 SPLIT, Marasoviceva 67, P. O. Box 187, Croatia.
Ph: +385 021 408 111, Fax : 00385 0 21 358 159
Web : www.crs.hr